Something practical

I have spent a lot of words here talking about head-in-the-clouds philosophical approaching-dogmatic largely useless stuff. I've had a very practical, down-to-earth day, and feel like sharing that!

About a month ago I injured my shoulder. It was a whole lesson in godhood. (And being home hopped up on pain killers was the perfect time to start blogging!) I could have avoided the injury, but I doubted myself! I know this sounds fluffy again, but that's what happened. I have, through study and practice of martial arts, taught my body how to do some precise physical motions, including several styles of rolls. These are useful for everything from escaping from someone attempting to hurt you to cracking that one tight spot in your spine. I had one such spot in my back from work, and began to fall intothe roll. At the last second, I thought, "that's not how you do it..." and made a conscious adjustment to my body placement. Suddenly, all of the momentum that wa supposed to be horizontal, parallel to the ground, was redirected straight into the ground. I knew before I even hit the ground that it was all wrong, but neither my body nor my mind was quick enough to make the correct readjustment. I knew by feel the right way, but had not practiced how to recover from doing it the wrong way.

This isn't quite all. I immediately stood up, thinking that that hurt a whole lot, but it'd stop hurting soon. And I executed another roll, perfectly. Flawlessly!

And then I sat down on the mossy area nearby and, until I tried to move, thought the my shoulder was going to just be badly bruised and very very sore. Then I went to stand up... I stopped short of even moving my arms to balance myself.

I did get up, very carefully. And I went to bed, lying very very still. I knew that when I woke up, I'd be fine.

That being said, when I woke up I had tears in my eyes and I started to sit up, but the shift in position shot paralyzing pain from my shoulder to every other inch in my body. It's not quite the worst pain I've felt, but it wasn't good.

I woke up my love and asked him to see if it looked like I'd dislocated it. Nope. But it wa rather swollen. He insisted on taking me to the doctor, where they did x-rays and gave me good pain meds. Turns out I had managed to separate the three bones that make up the shoulder so that there was an extra inch in every direction. They told me that it could take months to heal and be fully useful.

Today, I painlessly and strongly shoveled several tons of gravel and manually moved large stones. And the doc says I'm healing up nice and solidly, much faster than expected.

I have been using my body awareness, self-massage, and meditation techniques to will extra blood circulation to the area, will swelling to stay down. I used several different techniques to focus on minimizing swelling, encourage the bones to migrate and the muscles to tone. It's only situational evidence that any of that works, but it gave me belief in my godhood out of one of my least godly acts recently.

Consider yourself god and you gain dominion over your world.

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