Got me thinking

My last post got me thinking about other ways I have actively willed my body to change. I was going through my notebooks from the past few years and found mention of my eyes.

Early in my experimenting with "mental body mod," my eyesight was rapidly worsening. I was getting new prescriptions for glasses twice a year, even three times one year. I started to regularly (several times a day, for 15-45 minutes, every day) take off my glasses and intently try to focus on something just barely beyond my range of focus, usually a pen or other handy object. When I was able to successfully focus on it (which was rarely, at first) I tried different methods of inducing physical pleasure. The more intense, the better. I incorporated everything from chocolate to orgasm for this part. Within a few months, I visited my optomitrist. He did the regular checks, and then did them again. He was delighted to tell me that, not only had my eyesight not worsened, but he wrote me a new prescription that was weaker than before (telling me not to get new glasses unless I started having headaches). Another six months, another appointment: no change from previous prescription (no improvement or decline). One more time, a year after I started doing the exercises (although I hadn't been doing it as often) my eyesight was stable. I had been expecting to be legally blind by that point. Now, several years later, still no significant change to my prescription!

Again, there's nothing solid to say that I didn't simply mature and my eyes stopped changing of their own accord. There's also nothing to say that I did not affect physical change based on my mental will.

Think about it. Try it (not just once, make it nearly habit!) and let me know whether you have more situational evidence!


Consider yourself god and you gain dominion over your world.

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