Long line of folks...

The following is from a conversation transcript with a friend while we were discussing godhood. Some of the content is repeated, but I kind of like the way I put stuff.

I follow a long line of folks claiming to be god, so far I have been neither executed nor institutionalized. I also don't deny the possibility that anyone else can be god, simultaneously, nor do I doubt that many others already do. In fact, my beliefs on this matter seem to align very closely with atheist claims about godhood. I simply reverse it into a spiritual context (god = anyone who wants to work to claim godhood) rather than a nonspiritual one (god is no one). I also don't hold it rationally inconsistent that both of these are simultaneously true. Along with many other prima facie contradictions.

Now you've got me rambling. In the same way that you might feel badly for doing something, even though you don't think you've done anything wrong per se... I identify, as a god, with everything and everyone I encounter. I am equal, identical, with my car, as well as the squirrel I ran over. A wrong done by accident is a wrong to my own person. I identify with people who inspire nothing but disgust in me... A wrong to a despised person equals a wrong to my own person.

Considering this identity alongside Rawls' veil of ignorance... If I can truely manifest godhood within myself, I have neatly attained the position of ignorance that Rawls' believed to be tantamount to ethical behavior. In this case, though, I don't have to consider the theoretical matter of "what if I didn't know who I was in the situation?" because I don't. My awareness may be centered in this body, but my consciousness is not centralized.

Anything conscious of it's own being is identical to me and my consciousness, though awareness may differ. "whatever you did not do for the least among you, you did not do for me"

Looking at different religions' scriptures is fun from this perspective too. Considering my perceived distinction between things indistinct, the christian trinity is interesting... The Everything, the aware creature with corporeal body, and the nothing. Father, son, ghost. Mind, body, "spirit".

If you want something interesting to do for a day, a weekend, or the rest of your life: try suspending your belief that you are not god... keep in mind what you've learned so far in life, and don't completely disregard those lessons (you shouldn't sit in traffic and expect the car not to harm you, etc). But forget that you're not god, don't just pretend you believe, use the tool of belief and be god. If the belief is not useful to you, discard it and try something else.

Consider yourself god and you gain dominion over your world.

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